

Did you know there are scholarships available for you? Every year on November 1st scholarship opportunities for next year open for applications! Each scholarship will have a specific deadline and requirements, so be sure to review the application thoroughly. Some may ask that you obtain letters of recommendation or upload your resume. If a scholarship requires a resume, make an appointment with Career Services to review and refine your resume before submitting your application! Also you may edit your Bobcat Online Scholarship System (BOSS) scholarship essay or documents, after submitting them, if the edits are done prior to that scholarship’s deadline.

Pro Tip: Mom, Dad, Guardian, or your BFF cannot write your recommendation letter or be a reference for you. Instead, identify a faculty or staff member, high school counselor, or former/current employer. When asking someone to write a recommendation letter for you, professional etiquette (good manners) includes asking at least two weeks or more in advance of the request.

Pro Tip: Even if you don’t think you qualify for a scholarship, still apply! You never know what can happen.

Check out the BOSS Website