
H5P activities list

This book includes 33 H5P activities. Only those which have been inserted into book content will be included if the book is cloned.

ID Title Activity type Show/Hide
22Management: PDSA for QIDrag the Words
23Management: QI Glossary TermsDialog Cards
24Management: Research QuizQuestion Set
25Management: Advocacy Glossary TermsDialog Cards
26Management: Advocacy QuizQuestion Set
27Management: Advocacy Role Match-UpDrag the Words
28Management: Novice to ExpertDrag the Words
29Management: RN Role Glossary TermsDialog Cards
30Management: Role TransitionDrag the Words
31OB - Fetal and Newborn CirculationInteractive Book
32Burnout and Stress QuizQuestion Set
33Burnout Coping MechnanismsCrossword
34Management: Burnout Glossary TermsDialog Cards
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