Preserving and Sharing Your Research
Kristin Van Diest and Xuan Zhou
Learning Objectives
This chapter will give you a few resources to use when you want to preserve or share your work.
- University Scholarship
- TXST Dataverse Repository
Institutional Repository
The Research and Scholarship Repository serves as the university’s institutional repository and is a collection to showcase the expertise in research among our university community. University Scholarship centralizes, preserves, and makes accessible research outputs including publications, presentations, posters, reports, theses and dissertations, and other works created by our Texas State community. It is a professionally maintained archive that gives the university’s intellectual and creative output increased visibility and accessibility over time.
Visit our FAQ page for more information: Research and Scholarship Repository FAQs.
Dataverse Repository
Texas State University Dataverse Repository is hosted on the Dataverse platform, developed and used by Harvard University. It offers researchers a trusted repository to deposit, share, manage, and publish their research datasets. Researchers can also find and cite data across all research fields. The Texas State University Dataverse Repository is an open access data repository supported by the Texas Digital Library.
- Ensure long-term data use: researchers control levels of access, track data versions, and use numerous tools working with data
- Meeting funder and publisher requirements: each dataset is minted a Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
- Receive credit for your work: TXST Dataverse Repository is free to use for TXST researchers and open-access data is made available to everyone worldwide
Digging Deeper
- Visit the landing page for Texas State University Libraries Digital Repositories
- Visit the Research and Scholarship Guide
- Visit the Research Data Management: Data Preservation and Sharing Guide