
1 Undergraduate Peer Research Coaching Program

Donna Dean

Learning Objectives

  • What are research coaches? Defining their role in the library service landscape
  • Why peer research coaching? Purpose of peer-focused programs in higher education
  • Research coach hiring and training: The process
  • Who are research coaches for? Support and Audience

Future Goals: Path to College Reading and Learning Association Certification

What Are Research Coaches?

Peer Research Coaches are highly trained Texas State University Students with a background in public services and/or tutoring and education. The University Library relies on these students for support with reference questions and research inquiries.

Typical learning spaces in higher education lean on peer-led services. Studies exemplify this learning model as one that offers unique perspectives and lived experiences.

Purpose of the Peer Research Coach

Research and evidence for meaningful student connections. Other factors include social learning, and the contextual factors that influence confidence and accuracy. Peer to peer learning also helps alleviate anxiety and empowers students to feel like they are independent researchers.

Peer research coaches offer an opportunity to enhance basic information literacy skills among other students. Student-driven initiatives are pedagogically studied and proven to benefit learning outcomes, and many Research Universities are leveraging students as a proponent of their library’s student success initiatives. “Cognitive advantages of peer learning include immediacy, simplification, prevention of overload, modeling and problem identification, while affective advantages include identification, bonding, modeling of enthusiasm, self-confidence and reduced anxiety.” (Bodemer, B. 2013)

Strategic Imperatives of University Library
“Empower student success by enhancing the student experience to increase sense of belonging and career readiness through dynamic co-curricular programming.” (https://www.library.txst.edu/about/strategic-plan.html)

Mission of University Library
“We empower our communities to learn, create, and discover with our learner-centered services and spaces” (https://www.library.txst.edu/about/strategic-plan.html)

The peer research coaching program empowers students to feel empowered to teach and learn from each other and create communities of information.

The Triage Method and How Library Service Points Use it

Level 1 – Questions that any staff or student employee can answer. Example: directions and wayfinding

Level 2 – Inquiries that are slightly more advanced. How to use a database, start a research assignment, about a book search, what to do about lost items, how to find a book on the shelf, and more

Level 3 – In-depth, highly specialized questions that should be referred to a librarian

Hiring And Training Process

Texas State uses Handshake to post jobs for students. The job posting and description can be found in Appendix A. For the first round of hiring student employees, the job was posted before winter break and closed the week that students returned for the spring semester.

When the applicant pool was narrowed down, we interviewed students and began selecting our top picks for research coaches with a goal of hiring at least 8 students.

Training initiatives remain one of the most important pillars of this new service’s process. We provide our students with training through online modules and hands-on, in-person experiences. The training programs are comprehensive and are supplemented with published training materials on Canvas compiled by librarians along with the Research Coaching Coordinator. We acknowledge that training the initial group of research coaches will require significant time and patience; however, once they have gained confidence in their acquired knowledge, they will be equipped to disseminate this information to their peers and facilitate the training of newly hired students. The Canvas course provides initial and self-paced education of job responsibilities and allows the students to have a touchstone for material they may refer to when they need a refresher. Other training we provide consists of

  • One on one and group training
  • Library staff offering backup support
  • Hands-on tutorials and experiences

Anyone is welcome to meet with a research coach. We currently accept walk-in appointments in Alkek Library on the 3rd floor, Room 301. We are located directly across from the public restrooms. When the research coaches can begin scheduling appointments, the information will be available on the Research Coaching page of the library website.

What We Do

The Research Coaches are a filter for services and a hub for general library information. Under Research Coach support, students will…

  • Be able to develop a research topic
  • Learn how to search for a book in the catalog and find it on the shelves using the Library of Congress Classification System
  • Learn about library resources such as printing, databases, Google Scholar, Textbook Reserves, general use of library search tools
  • Learn about citation tools such as Zotero
  • Identify peer reviewed resources and scholarly resources

What We Don’t Do

Every service point serves a purpose at the library. The following are examples of what goes beyond the Scope of the Research Coaching program…

  • We do not provide research for patrons. We can connect you to the information but cannot conduct research on your behalf.
  • We do not check out library materials. The staff at the Ask Alkek Desk are happy to assist you with checking out, renewing materials, managing library holds, etc.
  • We cannot look up Interlibrary Loan information. The Interlibrary Loan office is happy to assist you with requests.
  • We do not conduct in-depth, higher-level requests. Many of our librarians are here to support faculty, data and publishing, and open education initiatives and can be contacted through the library website. For the most direct line to librarians, visit this webpage

Ideally, Research Coaching Services contribute to a natural scaffolding of the student’s library experience and grows their skillset as they progress in their education: Bobcat Welcome, US 1100, Meet with Research Coaches, English 1310/1320, meet with Research Coaches more!

Again, our services are assessed using triage levels and depending on the time and effort required for a situation, we utilize the following levels…

Level 1 – Questions that any staff or student employee can answer. Example: directions and wayfinding

Level 2 – Inquiries that are slightly more advanced. How to use a database, start a research assignment, about a book search, what to do about lost items, how to find a book on the shelf, and more

Level 3 – In-depth, highly specialized questions that should be referred to a librarian

Librarians are still available and happy to meet with you!

Our Goals for the Future

The Research Coaching program is currently in process of applying for certification through the College Reading and  Learning Association. (CRLA)

CRLA is an internationally recognized program and many other campus learning centers are certified as well. Some learning centers at Texas State include: The Study, The Writing Center, and MathCats. With standards of excellence from the CRLA, our research coaching program can continue to gain trust and traction from the Texas State community.


Bodemer, B. B. (2013). They Not Only CAN But They SHOULD: Why Undergraduates Should Provide Basic IL Instruction. http://hdl.handle.net/11213/18136



Appendix A.

The Research Coach Job Posting in Handshake:

Description: The Library Research Coaches will provide research assistance through a virtual chat service and via individual research consultations. Research Coaches will receive ongoing training and professional development. This service-oriented position offers the opportunity to develop advanced information, interpersonal, and presentation skills.

Research Coaches are responsible for a variety of tasks, including, but not limited to:

  • Representing Texas State University Library and providing library research help for students, faculty, and staff via online chat and research consultations, which includes
  • Providing basic Library information to patrons
  • Performing searches for materials via catalogs and databases
  • Providing informal tutorials on the use of library resources

Additional responsibilities:

  • Acquiring further expertise in research assistance skills
  • Assisting in the design and delivery of training to future Research Coaches
  • Maintaining online chat documentation
  • Working with supervisors to maintain selected resources and support the smooth functioning of library services.
  • Other duties as assigned.

Job Requirements

  • Superior interpersonal communication skills
  • Collaborative, team player
  • Ability to work independently

Preferred Qualifications

  • Previous employment in service-oriented positions (restaurants, retail, etc.)
  • Knowledge of library catalogs and databases.



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University Libraries for New Faculty and Graduate Students at Texas State University Copyright © by Isabelle Antes; Henna Punjabi; Kristin Van Diest; Sophia Mosbe; Tara Spies Smith; Tricia Boucher; Xuan Zhou; and Donna Dean is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.