23 Personal Branding
Personal Branding
Social Media is ever evolving and is a great tool to use to increase your visibility at Texas State. It may be the fastest way to network and connect to other Bobcats. When using social media accounts such as Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, Discord, or Facebook, you are creating a personal brand for yourself that can later be viewed by a future employer.
Personal branding shows your authentic self, what is true and genuine. It also differentiates and helps you stand out from others. Consider creating and separating personal and professional social media accounts. Remember that posts, likes, retweets, comments, and stories can remain online forever! Therefore, it is important to think before you post – save that one for the drafts.
Want to learn more? Log into LinkedIn Learning and complete the “Creating Your Personal Brand” course by Lida Citroén. Once complete a LinkedIn Learning Certificate will be added to your personal profile.