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Munro, P., & Willmond, C. (1994). Chickasaw: An Analytical Dictionary. University of Oklahoma Press.

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 Chickasaw Nation’s Language Page

The Chickasaw Nation has compiled many videos regarding the language, fluent speakers, and language learners.  Many of the sources referenced by this paper are featured in one or more of the videos.  On page 7-8 of this paper, the author refers to Hannah Pitman.  She is featured on two of the videos under the name Hannah Corsello.  There is also a video of some Chickasaw elders singing Choctaw hymns.  Finally, there is a link to the Rosetta Stone program.


Online Chickasaw Dictionary:





Minority and Minoritized Languages and Cultures Copyright © 2023 by Yasmine Beale-Rivaya. All Rights Reserved.