
Yucatec Mayan


   Throughout this document, my intention has been to shed some light on the current state of Yucatec Maya. I have documented the geographical region in which this language is spoken and offer evidence of language decrease, as well as naming some of the causes encouraging a decrease in speakers’ numbers. Historically, Yucatec Maya was made a minoritized language due to racism and language ideologies. Fortunately, Mayan people have resisted the loss of their language and consequently their culture. Today it is possible to raise the voices of Mayan speakers to slowly erase a little of the scorn and ignorance that our people have endured. As an Indigenous scholar seeking to reclaim my culture and language, and obeying the responsibility bestowed on me by my elders, I offer this essay hoping that it will awaken within the readers the desire to learn more about the Yucatec Mayan language and that it will bring positive attention to our people and our language.


Minority and Minoritized Languages and Cultures Copyright © 2023 by Yasmine Beale-Rivaya. All Rights Reserved.