


(hint: use the websites and dictionaries listed below)


For undergraduates

  1. What do the colors of the Livonian flag symbolize?
  2. Which traces of the Latvian language can be found in the Livonian language?
  3. Describe what characterizes the Livonian Coast landscape.
  4. Who was Vāldapǟ and why did he get such a nickname from Livonians?
  5. In Livonian legends and folk beliefs there are many important and interesting beings. Who are for example mierjemā, kīlmakǟnga and kuŗē?


For graduates

  1. How has the Latvian language influenced Livonian and vice versa?
  2. Present some similarities and differences between the Courland Livonian language and the Salaca Livonian language.
  3. Who is the only poet who writes in Salaca Livonian nowadays?
  4. What do you think solutions would be efficient concerning the complex situation of Livonian language acquisition and teaching?
  5. What do you think should be more prioritized nowadays – creating and developing digital tools for Livonian or teaching the Livonian language? Or both? Why?
  6. Who is the Livonian leader to whom this monument is dedicated to and why? Where is this monument located?


Media Attributions

  • Picture26


Minority and Minoritized Languages and Cultures Copyright © 2023 by Yasmine Beale-Rivaya. All Rights Reserved.